
May 23, 2017

Summer Saturday

I still have so many things to tell you about my weekend. On Saturday we had 3 ballgames in the morning which meant divide and conquer. My sweetie was busy helping Drama Queen with her house renovation (one of these days I will have to get her to give you an update).

In the afternoon, Crafty and Sport had a service for the Youth City Council out in Daybreak. It was the first time I had ever heard of the Ladybug Festival and when I saw all the booths being set up, I decided it might be fun to take the little kids back over.

Unfortunately, I had a bunch of things to do first and we didn't get there until after 5:00. All the ladybugs had been sold by then, but the booths and activities were still going strong. We made hats, got faces painted, won prizes; and it was all free!

Afterward, we got all of our kids together that lived here in the valley and we had an impromptu barbecue. It wasn't much, just hot dogs and chips, but we built a fire in the firepit, roasted corn on the cob, and as the coals were dying down, we made s'mores.

My favorite parts were the game of basketball with the kids, the corn on the cob, and just being together. It finally felt like summer. It's hard to believe we had a snowstorm last week. Here's to many more warm summer nights!

1 comment:

  1. Yup! I am hoping for more warm nights; I'm tired of the cold. This looked like a spectacular day of fun activities. Those free festivals are so fun. Loved your last minute get together; so fun!
    Blessings and hugs!
