
May 24, 2017

Happy Birthday, Bean Dip!

Today is Bean Dip's 15th birthday. We had a big family party on Sunday to celebrate for him. Drama Queen made a real cheesecake since he is not all that fond of regular birthday cake. I'm pretty sure his favorite gifts were the 24-packs of Mt. Dew.

The evening was bittersweet. We have been told that Chips and Salsa will likely be removed from Bossy and Gamer's home in the near future. Like a tug-of-war, they have been fighting every step of the way, but sometimes life doesn't go the way we want it to go. We have all been praying for a miracle and we would so much appreciate any prayers you can add to ours that might reverse the court's decision.

Removal is supposed to be on Friday. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would any court take two boys who are loved and accepted even with their flaws from a family and an extended family who only have their best interests at heart? The day they first came into our lives over a year ago, Bossy was sure they were meant to be part of our crazy family.

Photo bomb! Silly Chips.

We consider them our grandsons with every right and privilege that we give to any of our grandchildren. We love them. We want them. Please pray for all of us.


  1. It wasn't the court who decided to remove them. It was the caseworker and her supervisor.

  2. Guess the state of Utah is exactly like God Forsaken Oregon, when I was growing up my sister and brother and I lived in a wonderful home, better than any we had been and guess what they said because they were not the religion of my Mother who had died and my Dad did not convert to that religion but was wonderful about the religion to my Mom they removed us, the social worker and supervisor said it was because my mothers dying wish was for all of us to be in that home with the same religion..Well guess what they were horrible people and never attended church and only took us in for the money and for slaves to do everything we even are food that tasted like gruel to me, they are not considering the kids and how they feel about a real loving and devoted family, they have to do this to just be obstreprious and disruptive, I will chant and pray to God that your daughter and her husband can keep the children, to remove kids for no reason is ridiculous but it seems to happen in many states as the caseworker, social workers are over burdened and really don't care once the supervisor gets involved one must have a Philadelphia attorney to keep the kids and sadly most people just don't have that kind of money or expertise, will be praying for your family a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I feel so sad to hear that they may lose these two awesome children. I don't understand the court system at all sometimes. I will pray for you all that the court will reverse the decision. These kinds of things are so hard on the children. I feel so sad and will pray hard for you all.
    Sending loving thioughts, prayers and hugs to you all!
