
Mar 19, 2017

Elevation Dance Competition

The last couple of days my kids have been participating in the Elevation dance competition at Taylorsville High School. On Friday night, Drama Queen, Baby Doll, Scout, and I went over to watch Crafty perform her solo. She did a great job! (Sorry for the bad pics.) I just love watching her dance!

Then on Saturday, the kids were up bright and early for a full day. Their Peter Pan production number was first, so Drama Queen helped them get ready and then she ran Scout, Curly, and Crafty out to Taylorsville. They arrived right on time for their 9:00 performance.

It's a good thing 9:00 meant an hour early because at 8:15 Drama Queen called to ask me about Curly's boot covers. Then my sweetie ran them the 25 minutes to the high school.

He got there just in time.

None of them placed super high in the standings except for the production number. Crafty makes a fabulous Peter Pan.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you do these kinds of events with your children. I think you give them so many marvelous opportunities to learn and then preform. Dancing is a big one. Blessings and hugs!
