
Mar 17, 2017

Cookie Booth

I've told you before I still had about 500 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in my living room, but this afternoon my girl scouts did a 4-hour cookie booth at our local Smith's and now I'm down to about 50. Can I just tell you it was crazy?! So crazy I didn't even take any pictures.

People are so wonderfully supportive!

One man walked up to me and handed me a $10 bill. "Thank you for working with the girls," he said. "Use this for your troop." I was stunned, of course. I gushed a thank you and offered him change, but he declined and walked away.

This was not an isolated event either. It was the largest amount they were given, but certainly not the only person who simply offered a donation or left a tip or bought cookies just because my cute little girls asked them to.

Thank you everyone for all of your love and support, even those of you that I don't even know. Your generosity means so much. There are so many good people in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Love the group photo! I am so surprized that you sold that many. I do think people love Girl Scout Cookies. Only 50 boxes left. You have all worked so hard and I am just so amazed at all that you have sold. Hugs for all~
