
Dec 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!

What a fun and happy Christmas! I hope yours was as amazing and generous as ours was. The kids were up late on Christmas Eve, so we were thrilled when they slept in until about 8:00. As usual, the gifts piled high and deep. Most of my kids are still in the habit of giving a separate gift to each sibling, so do the math...

We missed our recently marrieds, but know they were having exciting Christmas mornings of their own. They would all join us later after church to devour my sweetie's delicious prime rib dinner.

Baby Doll was thrilled with her new bike and Curly got a big remote-controlled truck. Scout got a huge Barbie set and Sport was sort of excited about his ski lessons and snow gear. (I think he's a little nervous too.) Crafty got clothes and 2 pairs of pointe shoes. Prima Donna loved her tap shoes and new printer and the Dog Walker got clothes and a Fitbit. All the others got expensive Tupperware stuff they would never buy for themselves, but love receiving.

The kids played games and hung out together most of the day. Our marrieds showed up a family at a time and we shared gifts and treats. After dinner was over and cleaned up, we took family pics in our blogs shirts (they are currently trapped in my sweetie's camera, but I will share them later this week).

We packed up Prima Donna since she was thinking she might have to work today and we stowed all of Teach and Twiz's luggage before dropping them off at the airport for their trip to New Jersey. Then we drove the rest of the way to Ogden for Prima Donna. The roads were slick and icy and we dodged the ground fog. Utah got about 10" of snow along the Wasatch Front, so we had a beautiful white Christmas but driving in it was a bit dicey.

My sweetie is out sledding with the little kids now and everyone else has gravitated to their own homes. Even Drama Queen is gone since she is staying at Teach and Twiz's place to take care of their little pup. The Dog Walker is getting ready for work, and Grandpa is taking off soon to visit other relatives.

Isn't it funny how life is like that? Yesterday we had 25 people here for dinner, laughter, and the holiday. Today it is just me. Forgive me for waxing melancholy, but please hold onto those memories and those precious moments. There is nothing more important than family.

From mine to yours,

Merry Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas, Sandy! Your day sounds beautiful! Probably a little more hectic and chaotic than our Christmas (just the three of us) but sounds perfect!

  2. Merry Christmas dea friend; it looks like you had a lovely Christmas. Do enjoy the precious moments and memories; time goes fast. When you get our age then we have rather quiet Christmas's; which are sweet in their own way. We only have one son that lives near enough to see frequently otherwise they live out of state. We did have fun talking to most of them on Skype.
