
Dec 25, 2016

And to All... A Good Night

It's been a beautiful, happy and fun month of December leading up to Christmas Eve. We spent most of today at home as is our tradition with only a couple of quick trips to the grocery store for things we forgot for Christmas dinner tomorrow and a few more deliveries to friends and neighbors.

Opening gifts together on Christmas Eve
Teach and Twiz came over for a while and played games with the kids. Then later Bossy and Gamer and their family showed up to open gifts and play games. Now they are watching Polar Express after we shared the Christmas Story from Luke 2 and sang carols together.

Drama Queen gave Baby Doll wings for Christmas!
My sweetie and I spent a good portion of last night and today wrapping gifts, so I'm thinking it's time for a quick shower and then sleep. I hope you get a chance to get a little rest tonight.

My Christmas wish is that we all remember that our Savior, Jesus Christ, was born over 2000 years ago to save the Earth. May we all try to be like Him; humble, meek, loving, and charitable, not just at Christmastime, but all year round.

We love you and appreciate you, our readers. Thank you for sharing our lives.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a really sweet Christmas Eve. I too love this season and it is because of the Birth of our Beloved Savior.
    Blessings and hugs for all~
