
Nov 18, 2016

We Are the Champions!!

On Wednesday night, Curly and I headed for the Pizza Pie Cafe for his football team banquet. It was a rowdy, crazy place with a big room in the back where the boys could be noisy without worrying about other customers. Although I'm pretty sure there weren't very many other customers.

I had to pay $8.25 to get in (Curly was paid for by the team fees), but it wasn't about the food. After we ate, his head coach had a chance to stand up and say something good about each boy. In the yearbook (yeah, they had a yearbook...) they said, "He played on the O-line and the D-line. He was someone you could always count on to do his job." I love that! One of the most important things to me is following through when I say I will do something, and apparently, my boy feels the same way.

They had a highlights film where the boys watched footage from each game. I've never heard so much hooting and hollering in a restaurant before.

Then it was time for my favorite moment. When they presented the league championship trophies; the moment when it was all worth it.

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