
Nov 19, 2016

Some Days are So Hard

I know I said last week was hard, but this one is proving to be equally as difficult. There is just so much going on and I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job staying on top of things. Let's look at Thursday, for example. My morning was spent prepping for the Cupcake Club meeting, making taco fixings for dinner, and running to the store for pinewood derby weights. To get enough weights for everyone using coupons at Hobby Lobby, I had to pick up Chips and Burrito, along with Baby Doll. Then Bossy wanted us to run an extra errand. After I dropped her kids back off, I rushed home.

I arranged a ride for Sport for his team banquet at Airborne Trampolines, filled out his online waiver, and then he was good. I left for the Cupcake Club meeting with my arms full of supplies at 2:20. Crafty is still a bit timid about running these meetings by herself, so I helped her get things together, split up her group and get them all cooking. She now has about 17 kids, which is a great size for her. Princess's newly-founded club never had that many members.

After they got their cupcakes almost ready, I had to leave to open the church doors for our scout leaders, then run home for my boys and take them back to the church. Then I left scouts and ran back to the high school to pick up Crafty and Fajita. They were the only two left. We stopped at a local nursing home to deliver a dozen cupcakes as a service project and then I ran the girls home. Back at the church, I just had time to catch the last little bit of things before we gathered up and took the boys to the recycling center.

Curly got exactly 2 minutes to break all of his glass bottles in the recycling bin before we jumped in the car to get him to football practice on time. Thank goodness it was all in the same park. After driving back to the recycling area to pick up Sport and a couple of the cub scouts, we made the rounds and dropped everyone off. We also picked up Scout as she was walking home from Activity Days.

Scout made cute turkeys at Activity Days.
Drama Queen came in just right for last minute evening instructions. She was taking the kids and Grandpa to see Shrek, the Musical at West Jordan High School because the kids had won free tickets in their coloring contest. I grabbed a taco, changed my clothes, dropped Scout at the dance studio, picked up Curly from football practice, dropped him at the house, and then sped across town for the volleyball tournament. We started at 5:45 and I finally got home about 9:30.

Homework, scriptures, kids to bed, kitchen to clean up, laundry, a cake for Taco's birthday, a blog post and I finally fell into bed just before 2:00. By 4:00 I could no longer sleep. My back and sciatic were killing me and I was up for another hour and a half trying to settle them down.

But kids still had school and I was so grateful my sweetie had the day off for Curly's football game so I could sleep in a bit. Sure love that man.

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