
Nov 10, 2016

Got My Book from AdoramaPix!

I finally got my book back from AdoramaPix! OK, part of it was my fault. I assigned Drama Queen to make the book since she has had a fair amount of experience already and she has been so busy with grading papers and writing lesson plans, that it didn't happen overnight. But I have to admit that I was super excited when the book did arrive.

She set it up like a 12 Days of Christmas except that it was My Family Gave to Me... Her song is all personal and a perfect explanation of our 2016 activities. Here are the lyrics for the 12th day:

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my family gave to me:

Twelve Silly Siblings

Eleven Stories Shared
Ten Used Plates
Nine Ball Games
Eight Happy Moments
Seven Kids "Adulting"
Six Football Dudes
Five Days of School
Four Little Dancers
Three Road Trips
Two Wedding Days
And a very tired Mom and Daddy.

Now that I have shared her songwriting talent, let me tell you what she said about AdoramaPix Photo Book Review. Our favorite part is the quality of the book. It has lay-flat pages and the paper is heavier and more durable than similar products. It truly looks like a professional job. Her favorite part was the control over placement and fonts, giving her the opportunity to make it just like she wanted it. There are so many choices of frames and cutouts! And she was able to put lots of pictures on a page.

She was a little disappointed in the limited number of stickers and other decals. She couldn't figure out how to put a picture on the cover and the software is set up more like a design studio that is not very intuitive. That might make it a little overwhelming for people like me who are not familiar with similar products.

But honestly, given the end product and the professional look, I can probably learn to make my own. It was definitely a fun and creative way to chronicle our year although maybe next year she can figure out a way to make it more like a Silent Night.


  1. We turn our wordpress website and our blogger website into personal family history books using the Blurb website. It is somewhat expensive ($50 for a 150 page book) and time-consuming (I spend about 40 hours putting it together), but the books themselves are beautiful and the kids love looking back over the year to see the fun things we did.


  2. Wow, I may check this out! It does seem like a lot of work and I couldn't do it until after our mission. I would love to make a family history book. Thanks for sharing this one~ Hugs!
