
Nov 9, 2016

God Bless America

I haven't said much about the elections and I don't really want to except for this. All of my adult children exercised their rights to vote. They were informed and careful voters. They know it is their privilege and their civic duty.

Some of their votes cancelled out each other and I'm totally OK with that. We try to respect each others' opinions and even though we occasionally get a bit passionate in our discussions of politics, we don't belittle each other and we don't fight.

It doesn't matter now if you voted for a specific candidate; what matters is that we all pull together and become the "united" states because part of the reason our country is so great is because we are allowed to express our own opinions without fear or hatred.

I love this country. I love the beauty of the political process and the inspired men who laid out our Constitution. It will all work out. Our country is amazing!

God bless America.

1 comment:

  1. I loved all your thoughts on this one. We do have an amazing country and I feel so blessed to live in the United States of America. Thanks and hugs!
