
Nov 22, 2016

Can't Wait to Get My 3D Deco Light

The girls will love this!
It has been so fun to work with US Family Guide. They come up with some of the most bizarre and interesting items to review; things I might never buy on my own until someone points them out. Take, for example, the 3D Deco Light from 3DLightFX.

They sell them at Target and Twiz even works at Target and is constantly telling me about new products and his wish list that he and Teach want to buy, but he has never mentioned these super-fun and amazing lights.

Baby Doll has never been scared of the dark, but Scout still struggles a bit and I have to turn off their overhead light almost every night when I pass their room. But what if they had Pinkie Pie staying with them? My little girls are definitely "bronies" and I'm so excited to see if this unique night light will work for them.

It is cool to the touch, cordless, battery operated, and it even includes a crack sticker so it looks like the picture is actually coming right out of the wall!

Drama Queen, I thought of you and your classroom.
This review requires that I use their words exactly, so here goes. "3DLIGHTFX 3D Deco Lights are the perfect gift this holiday season. They have a full range of comic book, super hero, Disney Princess, sports and car lights that look as though they are popping right out of the wall! They are battery operated and cool to the touch so you can place them any where in the room! Your kids will loves having these in their rooms and they're also the perfect editions to a den, family room, man's cave or office! Find all of these amazing products here."

I might need this one.
Whew! I much prefer to use my own words, and if I didn't think my kids would love these, I might not have signed up for this one. These cute pics are from the Target website. I can't wait to get mine and then I will show you what it looks like in Scout and Baby Doll's room.


Gratitude Day #2  I am grateful for ice cubes. I love cold water and I'm always disappointed when I can't get my water cold enough to give me a brain freeze. I have to confess that even though we have an ice maker in our fridge, I still spend that $1.69 at Sam's Club for the 20 lb bag of cubes just so I have that option in my freezer in case we run out.

1 comment:

  1. You do such fun reviews! I do think your children will love the night lights; they sound unique. I an enjoying your different kind of thankful list. Blessings and hugs~
    I am grateful for modern medicine. I just had an MRI with a much bigger machine; which made my claustrophobic better.
