
Nov 21, 2016

A Typical Sabbath Day

Not much rest on this Sabbath Day.

We had choir practice at 9:00 and I have to confess that I didn't drag myself out of bed until 8:46. I put on yesterday's clothes and Crafty and I got there just in time. Back home we had barely enough time to get dressed up for Sacrament Meeting and prepare snacks and a lesson for nursery.

After church we had a quick sandwich and then the youngest 3 had choir practice. Somewhere in there I managed to wrap gifts and get the birthday cake together for Taco. My sweetie mopped my sticky floor and made bread. Bossy was in charge of the lasagna.

At 5:00, Crafty and I showed up for the stake camp meeting. She has been chosen as a Junior Camp Committee Specialist. There are two girls from each ward that will be helping plan this huge summer camp for about 200 girls. She is on the Communications and Budget committee. Thankfully, most of that doesn't start up until after Christmas.

Taco's party began at 6:00 and once again we had all the kids here but Prima Donna. She will finally be coming home on Tuesday. I think if the train ran on Sundays we would see her much more often. She always calls me on Sunday because that is the day she is usually missing us a little.

The kids ran around and we all enjoyed the food. Taco was excited about the watch and remote controlled car we gave him, but even more so about the phone he got from his parents. I don't think I told you that one of their foster kids, Hot Sauce, was pulled back into the system last week. That was pretty traumatic since it is the first time it has happened to them. Taco didn't mind too much because that meant he got a phone for his birthday.

Time to sleep now. Thanksgiving week is upon us. I thought it might be fun to list one thing every day this week I am thankful for and maybe you could share yours in the comments.

My obvious would be my family or my church, but instead I want to list things that I don't typically think about. Like today I'm thankful for pony tail holders. We never seem to have enough of them around here and I think I have finally figured out why a lot of women cut their hair as they age. It is hot!! Being able to pull it back is the only thing that keeps mine off the chopping block.

What are you grateful for?

1 comment:

  1. You have more parties than anyone I know. It looks like Taco had a great party. I loved your typical Sabbath Day. Blessings and hugs~
