
Oct 9, 2016

Guest Post: Crafty's Sweet Sixteen by Drama Queen

My dear sweet mum is heading off to bed early tonight, so y'all get to hear from me I guess. Today was a fun and (as always) crazy day. Morning kicked off, well..with kick off! All the boys are still deep in football season and Mom ran one way (after picking up Sport from the Merit Badge Pow Wow) while Dad headed the other. Dog Walker and I made sure that Crafty and Scout got off to dance rehearsal in between cleaning up the house (me) and setting up our Halloween Yard Display (Dog Walker). Throughout the day we heard updates about football games, but the most intense moment was when Mom's car wouldn't start after Curly's game! Thankfully a good Samaritan was nearby with jumper cables and she got home alright.

Once the girls finished ballet rehearsal, I, Prima Donna, my bff Manga Geek, and the rest of the little girls whisked off to Teach's house. Earlier this week, I had promised little Baby Doll a princess cocoa party as part of my birthday gift to her. It was a lot of fun! We ate fancy macaroons, strawberries, and cheese cubes with our cocoa. Of course we were having too much fun to remember to take any pictures! :( We were sad that our party time could only last an hour or so, but we still had so much to do to get ready for Crafty's party! The spicy scent of tacos welcomed us home and we zipped around to finish cleaning up while Dad cooked. We were ready just in time! Dad and Mom tossed the kidlets in the car and took them to see "Finding Dory" while Manga Geek and I played chaperone for the onslaught of teenage girls that rapidly descended. Although an official count was never made, I'm pretty sure Crafty had somewhere around twenty-five friends show up.

I'm not entirely sure what they did beyond talk a lot and make a whole bunch of sugar cookies, but I had a wonderful night. Beauty, Princess, Teach, and Twiz all hung out and talked for a long time about a little of everything. It's been an interesting/weird/awesome thing having "new" siblings. There are so many things I am still learning about all of my cute sibs-in-law... After so much time together, I think, as a dozen, we start to forget just how much we can still learn about each other.

The night slowly trickled to an end as girls left and cookies disappeared. The fam returned from their movie with their mostly-eaten bags of popcorn: trading them in for pink-frosting ghosts. Now by onesies and twosies we are all trundling off to our soft beds. Hope the day was good for all of you too.

Sweet dreams, Bloggersphere..
<3 Drama Queen

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your family adventures today. I love how you all pitch in and help and enjoy being with one another. What a great famlily you all are. I like your writing skills too. Hugs~
