
Jul 22, 2016

Getting Ready for the Shower

My day has been pretty full of wedding and shower prep. I think I told you I am piecing two quilts so that our friends and family can help us tie them at the shower on Saturday. After I finished getting the first top ready, Drama Queen and I went to JoAnn's and bought a whole roll of batting.

Table Games... check!
Now I just have to finish piecing the other top. It's pretty special, because I found part of it in the boxes of quilt fabric from Grandma. I love working with the things she has already pieced. It makes me feel so close to her and the legacy she has given to me that I am now passing down to my daughter.

Drama Queen has also been incredibly busy making decorations and table games. When Princess got home from work, she and Jay made sugar cookie dough. Tomorrow it will be all about the food and finishing up the quilt. Honestly, I will be so glad to have the shower finished so we can concentrate on getting the reception together.

Teach, Drama Queen, Crafty and I went to a reception tonight for one of our basketball friend's daughters. It was at a reception center and the food was all catered and the tables were done by someone else. I'm still in favor of the inexpensive receptions that are held at the church with homemade decorations, but there are some days when it would be so nice to have someone else in charge of the planning and implementation.

Or at least the cleanup...

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that these quilts are a treasure. I had 4 great Aunts that made three quilts for me before I got married. Most of the materials came from dresses and etc. my mother made for me. I love that she will have quilts that have some Grandmother histiry to them. Hugs!💕
