
Jul 23, 2016

And Shower Prep Continues...

You know when you get to the point where you will just be glad when something is over? I'm definitely there with the shower.

It's been a rough week. I've had a tooth break and be repaired, several cars in the shop, my washer went out (I have still been mostly without it since we got back from our Staycation) and we are getting a new one delivered tomorrow courtesy of our extended warranty.

We had to move and repair a freezer which took considerable effort. We ordered a giant dumpster from the city with the idea that we would likely have to throw it away, but my sweetie pulled off a miracle and managed to make it work so we filled the dumpster with branches instead.

My sweetie said they couldn't wait so I put up 18 pints of beets and I'm just praying the apricots will hold off until next week.

Grandpa is moving in with us on August 1st so we have been painting and recarpeting Prima Donna's room. Teach and Twiz are moving to a bigger apartment next week (any guesses why??) And Princess and The Frog (I'm so sorry, Jay, maybe it is official now) are storing things here and they will also start setting up their apartment after August 1.

My little ones are at camp. Bossy and Gamer got a new foster child yesterday. The girls have 3 parades this weekend, we are prepping Sport for Scout Camp next week, and we always do fun pioneer things for the 24th of July. School starts on Tuesday for my little ones, as well as football and dance, and then there is the wedding and the shower.

I try to live my life by staying one step ahead all the time so I can adjust for changes, but this week has been a real challenge. Thank goodness I have such amazing people to help me. Prima Donna's friend, Kamryn is here helping them paint the last of the decorations. The quilts are ready to go and in the car. I just have to make a couple of pots of soup. That should be doable.


  1. Oh my, I need a nap again afrer just reading this one. How do you do it all?? Please take care of yourself and dont run faster then you are able. I am happy you do have good helpers. Sending extra love and hugs your way❤️

  2. I can guess why Teach and Twiz are moving!! How lovely are babies?! Congrats to all :))
