
Jun 12, 2016

Company Summer Picnic

We had so much fun yesterday at my sweetie's company picnic! We had everyone with us except Prima Donna who was not feeling well. They fed us tons of summer picnic fare and we got to watch them nitro freeze otter pops (and then eat them, of course).

There were plenty of interesting things to see and crafts to do, even though the rain did put a damper on the party for a while. Curly won a Star Wars watch in a random card drawing which is pretty impressive since there were supposed to be more than 10,000 people there.

But I have to tell you, these pics of Curly and Burrito are my absolute favorites. So they had some equipment there that the kids could try on and as many of you know, Curly wants to join the military when he is older so he immediately put on the helmet and tried to look cool. And he did a pretty good job.

Well, here, see what you think. It made me giggle.

1 comment:

  1. He does looke pretty good and I am so happy you had a great time. Hope Prima Donna is feeling better.
    Blessings and hugs!
