
Jun 14, 2016

Baseball Birthday Party

Sport is turning 13 next week, and he is a little sad that my sweetie and I will be missing his birthday since we will be in New Jersey with Teach and Twiz for their wedding celebration. I know, they've been married for 4 months now, but the timing is finally right.

More about that later.

So Sport was excited about inviting some of his friends from his baseball team to see a Bees game and that meant we had to do it on a Monday because that is when they have the $5 tickets with the free hot dog. Unfortunately, it rained most of the day. Even while my sweetie was taking the boys into the stadium, he wasn't sure if they were actually going to play a game.

They did finally begin the game about an hour later than the scheduled time. By then the boys were cold and more than a little bored. Sport had his Kindle with and that helped a little. After a while things got exciting, but by the 6th inning, parents were texting me, wanting to know where their kids were and why they were so late.

They finally left the game at the top of the 8th and I have to admit it was nearly 12:30 AM when my sweetie came through the door after dropping off all the boys. But according to Sport, they had tons of fun and it was the greatest birthday party ever, in spite of the rain.

1 comment:

  1. I love how boys can adjust and have fun even in varying circumstances. I am happy his pre-birthday celebration was a success. Sounds like you have a fun week ahead. Blessings and hugs~
