
Mar 13, 2016

New Addition

Teach and Twiz have added a new member to their little family. Meet Abigail.

She is 9 weeks old and super cute. I hope she doesn't grow much because their apartment is pretty small. Honestly, I don't envy them the task of puppy training.

Or the chewing.

Or the barking.

Last time we got a dog we stayed away from the puppy stage. I guess it's just me. We love it when our part time dogs come to visit, in fact, they just went home on Thursday after 4 days with us. But I was pretty annoyed when Watson vomited on my kitchen floor while the Dog Walker was at class. Oh no, not by the poor sweet puppy, just by the fact that I had to be in charge of the clean up.

You've got to admit that this little girl is cute though. And my own little girls would absolutely love one just like her...

...until she vomited on the floor. Any guesses who would be in charge of cleanup?


  1. Oh, I love the photos of the kids and the new addition. No, I would not vote for who would clean up. I am sure in my house it would be me.
    Blessings for all~

  2. Darling!!! But yeah... I wouldn't want to do puppy training!
