
Mar 14, 2016

Heading into More Craziness

Pics of Sport from the 2013 season.
Oh man.

I got Scout's practice schedule for softball tonight and it gave me a tiny glimpse of what my spring might be. If she has practices clear out in Herriman three days a week, what in the world will my calendar look like after the boys have their baseball tryouts on Saturday?

After church I was feeling the affects of Daylight Savings Time so I was sleeping when Bossy called me about 4:30 and asked me if we wanted to join them in a quick game of softball before Bean Dip had to return to his mom. It took me an hour before she called again and I finally got the kids rounded up.

He has grown so much since then!
We met them at the field for a quick game of workup. I'm really glad that Scout had that opportunity because her first practice is tomorrow and she is off and running. I'm not even sure we know where all the equipment got put after last season.

At least the Dog Walker is off from school this week for spring break. Maybe we can get a little better organized.

Some choose to be organized...some have organization thrust upon them.


  1. Oh, to do all you do; you would have to be organized. You amaze me all the time with all you fit into a day. Yup! Spring is coming; I think~
