
Dec 18, 2015

Guest Blog: Christmas Letter by Bossy

Mom and I spent way too much time at the store getting last minute shopping done for our troop party tomorrow so she asked me to quickly post my Christmas letter. I also wanted to share a short story of Christmas magic from my Facebook post this morning.

Fajita was given a solo yesterday for Symphony at tonight's closing night of Candlelight. My mom had given us her complementary ticket + 1 she paid for and we had Fajita's complementary ticket, but she wanted both her brothers to come tonight. I told my mom we needed to find another ticket for Taco. This morning this appeared on the table. ‪#‎believe‬ ‪#‎christmasmagic‬

Now for the Christmas letter...

Merry Christmas!  Another busy year has come and gone. 

In January Gamer and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  It was a beautiful event and we were grateful to everyone who came and helped and celebrated with us.

March brought major changes when I quit my job at DCFS.  I am grateful for unemployment because the process of finding the career that my family needs has proved to be a challenge.  In March, Gamer and I submitted paperwork to become licensed foster parents, but were met with seemingly insurmountable roadblocks. And soon our talk of foster kids by June became wishful thinking.

Spring sports flew by.  Fajita tried out for the softball team last minute and was overjoyed to make the sophomore team.  The JV squad made it to state and she enjoyed helping them and participating with the tourneys. The boys also played baseball.  Bean Dip was the only experienced player on his team and we enjoyed watching him open his season as the pitcher.  He definitely prefers to play first base.  Taco was the MVP for his team and played a variety of positions.  He rotated between outfield and shortstop.  My favorite play was him stealing home against the coach’s advice because his mom told him too.  He stayed with a large lead off of the base and drew the throw to third. I was screaming run and he did it. It was a great learning play for both teams. Burrito’s team came in second place at the end of the tournament.  For a team that didn’t get their first win until game 6 it was an amazing comeback.  Burrito played left field, third base and catcher.  He hopes to be given a chance to pitch next year.  This was his first year of kid pitch.

Summer brought parade season, jobs, scout camps and driver’s ed. Gamer switched jobs in June and loves his new job with Independent Trust and I worked a temp job with the primary election. Fajita had a packed summer.  She worked at McDonalds and Astro Burger, played in the SLCC parade band, attended trek, and made up 2 of her credits for school.  Before school ended, she managed to juggle softball and ballet and did great at her recital.  She finally got her permit and I have to admit she is a pretty responsible driver. Bean Dip enjoyed scout camp and came home a second class scout with 9 new merit badges.  He helped me rebuild grandma’s network and repair a few computers.  As a non-member he remains an example to the other deacons for working on Faith in God and has a pretty amazing testimony. Taco and Burrito attended our ward-sponsored day camp with Gamer. They were rained out the first night, but enjoy a hot Saturday hike and water party. They (and Curly) stole the show with their jazz performance in the dance recital.  Their year round school makes for a short summer, but they had fun spending it at the middle school while their school received some much needed building updates. They both worked very hard to fundraise for their registration fees for football in July. 

Fall brought football.  Burrito played his first year as a scout with Gamer assistant coaching. Their team taught many advanced plays and they came in 3rd place. Taco played his third year as a Pee Wee.  Most of his team was new and the coaches praised him for showing up ready to play.  He slimmed down a lot over the year and was not an X weight which enabled him to try many new positions. His team won the championship game for their division. Fajita went back to work at McDonalds after figuring out how to balance her schoolwork.  She is again in Youth City Council, TAB, and FCCLA.  She went two dances so far: Homecoming and Bingham Ball. Bean Dip started 8th grade at a new middle school.  He has permission to be baptized when he chooses and is exploring the idea of moving into our house next school year.  He enjoys hanging out with Nephi and misses football.  He is an amazing young man.  We enjoying keeping in touch with Enchilada through Facebook and Instagram.  She did very well in her swim season, she placed 4th, 5th and 6th at the Abilene Invitational.  She will be competing in three of her races for state. She also donated 14 inches of her hair in March shortly after I donated mine again.

As we have been trying to figure out what my employment should look like I have had temp jobs ranging from 60 days to 1.5 days.  This November, I have been able to focus my efforts on the roadblocks that prevented our foster parents license and we are in the final homestudy stages.  We hope to have a placement before Christmas. I also submitted my papers for a church service mission before my birthday.  It will be an at home mission, doing online and phone technical support for the church’s genealogy program,  As for working, I have been focused on finding something part time that allows me to spend more time focused on our kids.  I have really realized how much my focus should be on my family and not worrying about saving other people.  I have been giving both boys private clarinet lessons, finishing projects around the house, researching geneology, and enjoying my time as a busy mom.   

We wish you a wonderful and healthy 2016.

Bossy, Gamer, Fajita, Bean Dip, Taco and Burrito.


  1. I don't understand Utah at all, foster kids need homes desperately here in Washington state and many get left out of anykind of home..The DSHS place a brand new place up the street built to the tune of millions of dollars tries to get people to foster kids but the humane society has better luck with dogs and cats than with human beings..If people want to try to help human beings they should consider being a foster parent here and in Utah they should not make it almost impossible to be a foster parent..In this season of the Lord and his Nativity one would think a home for a child, teen or teen nearing transitioning out of anykind of living arrangement would be an ideal..Praying for you to get your license and for you to be able to parent a child or two that needs a home..Isn't that the reason for the season love and caring..enjoyed the Christmas letter from your family..God's blessings to you and yours and when you do get a child or two consider adoption it does save truly does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Awesome post on your year! I enjoyed reading about your family activities. I think you are following in your Mother's path of busy family life.
