
Dec 19, 2015

Busy, Busy Days

Eating donuts and hot chocolate
The last couple of days have been so busy! Yesterday I had my Activity Days girls over and our wonderful friend and neighbors, the Johnsons, took us caroling in a big wagon behind two beautiful Clydesdales. Sadly, I left my phone in the house so I didn't even get a picture for you, but we had so much fun! We circled our neighborhood a couple of times until we ran out of songs to sing, the we went back to the house and had hot chocolate and donuts.

Then last night Teach and I went to the Christmas party for my Tupperware team. We won some fun prizes and ate yummy treats, then we went to someone's house for Teach to try on a wedding dress... which she bought! She looks beautiful in it, but we will have to alter the neckline a bit to make it a little more modest. That's a project for January.

We got home and got the kids to bed and then Bossy and I went shopping until about 1:00 AM. I had to get some things for my Girl Scout Christmas party today. I fell into bed after dropping off Bossy and begging her to put up a blog post for me. Today was just as busy! But since it's already 1:30 AM and Scout has a basketball game at 9:00 AM and the Dance Recital is at noon, maybe I will save it for tomorrow so I can get some rest.

1 comment:

  1. What a schedule you have! I do hope you get enough rest. Blessings for you all this Christmas Season. Hugs~
