
Dec 12, 2015

Christmas Preparations

Every once in a while I have looked at the calendar this week and panicked a little. I've been trying very hard not to realize just how close Christmas is getting. It's sort of like one of my very favorite movies, Apollo 13. "The earth's getting awfully big in the window." (Or something close to that.)

So I just don't look out the window.

I keep putting out the biggest fires first. Today I finally settled on a menu for the family Christmas party, but other than that, almost everything was just stuff that had to be done today. I got gifts wrapped and shipped to my MIL, books returned for school, groceries bought (we were down to half a gallon of milk), bills paid, and some embroidery work 1/2 completed for several neighbors.

From Boating With Bob post
I guess I did wrap a couple of gifts for some of the grandkids, but it seems like I haven't done much of any of that sort of thing. My college students just finished their last week of classes and now all they have left is finals. Thank goodness for that! When they are freed up it should make my life much easier.

Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you about my amazing Home Teacher. I'm pretty sure we have talked about him before. He is a wonderful friend we have known for over 20 years now. Sadly, his dad passed away on Sunday and the funeral is Saturday morning. Then on Friday morning, his wife's dad passed away so they will be looking at another funeral next week.

If it's not too much trouble, please keep them in your prayers. Their names are Bob and Deb. Thanks, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, two funerals on top of each other; that is a sad one for sure. I will keep them in my prayers. Hugs~
