
Dec 14, 2015

Christmas is Coming

It's been such a busy weekend and I have so many things to tell you! Saturday morning we took the kids to Lowe's so they could make a Christmas train. Sport had a basketball game and my sweetie took him that direction.

The day was filled with two more basketball games, one for Scout and one for Curly. Curly had the game of his life, scoring 14 points and making tons of steals. Scout made 4 of the 6 points her team scored. I can't tell you much about Sport's game other than he was disappointed that they lost.

Then Scout had a birthday party for one of her best friends and you would not believe the awesome over-the-top cute decorations they made. One was a snowman cut from 1-inch plywood and the other was a detailed sled with wooden runners. They were allowed to paint both projects and Scout did an excellent job. Then we left for a family adventure I will tell you all about tomorrow.

Sunday was busy too, with Crafty speaking in Sacrament Meeting. Drama Queen texted me during Sunday School and asked me to help her and Princess in the nursery. They usually have 2 or 3 kids and today they had 6. Although they have one little guy that is as hard as 3. We had choir practice and my sweetie mixed up a batch of rolls while we were gone. I love it when he cooks! I even got to nap for an hour (that's probably why I'm not that tired at the moment).

After a delicious dinner we went to the Choir Concert at the church. It's one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season. Our choir was the first to sing and they had the kids sing and then shortly afterward the youth all got the opportunity to sing.

The last song is always the Hallelujah Chorus and I've never been able to get it right. This year was worse that ever when I accidentally flipped the page the wrong way and we were totally lost for about 10 measures. I couldn't quit smiling; I grinned all through the closing prayer and the whole time we were putting away chairs.

Music has got to be one of my very favorite parts of the season and if I can sing about my Savior and King, that is all the better. But maybe next year we better staple our pages before we get there.


  1. What a wild Christmas ride you are having; just amazing. Yup! I so love Christmas music. Thrown into all those sports brings back a few memories for sure. However, with you; it's the more the busier; how do you do it? Love and hugs!
