
Nov 10, 2015

Guest Blog: Birthday Party by Dog Walker

Every time, I always thought that I've been a guest blogger just recently for Mom. Anyway, I was asked to talk about how my birthday went, since a lot of you already know about it, especially Marci who also has the same birthday as mine. Right after my actual birthday, we were planning to do my family party on Monday, in case Sister Drama Queen was going to a devotional she was invited to on Sunday. We couldn't do my party on Friday, because Curly and I went to see a play at UVU for one of my classes, couldn't do it on Saturday, because Mom and Dad always went to my brothers' and nephews' football games. So all of Saturday, I started to put Christmas lights on the roof, before Tuesday was having some cold weather. It drove Dad totally nuts to see them on at night, probably because he thinks we can't celebrate Christmas until after Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, I tried to tell him that not everyone around the world celebrates Thanksgiving after Halloween. They just go straight to celebrating Christmas. Besides, Thanksgiving is at a later start this year, so there's no point of waiting until Black Friday to start putting up lights on the house. LOL!

By the time Sunday came by, we were all prepared to go for Princess's boyfriend's farewell for a mission. He spoke an awesome talk about how his mission is going to turn out, once he heads to the Missionary Training Center and then goes to the mission he's been called to serve. When sacrament was over, most of everyone just headed back home, because they think his talk was enough than just going to his party. When I got back, while walking home from Princess's boyfriend's neighborhood, Dad was surprised to see that I've come home and asked me if any kids came with me. I just told him no one and he felt stunned about it for a minute. Right at this moment, Mom told me to get tables out and set them up in the living room. I was a bit surprised. I guessed it was time for my family birthday party after all. But I was still worried that Sister Drama Queen was going to miss it, and then Mom said that Sister Drama Queen was not going to the devotional.

Things worked out all right for the rest of the Sabbath Day. Beauty and The Beast, Gamer, Bossy, Fajita, Taco, Burrito, Princess's boyfriend and Grandpa came to attend the family party. We all ate hamburgers and fries and talked about a lot of things, even everyone started talking about me throughout the past times, like the time I was playing in the sprinklers one summer and lost my glasses by setting them on the bumper of our big van. We munched on the cake I chose called Blue Velvet and turned it to the Broncos football team colors for the frosting.We also ate Creamies that were saved for the party. It became mysterious that somebody went through the box of Creamies and ate one without asking and they should've known they were for the party.

Before the family party was ever coming, Mom just gave me a present that I felt like I can still wait until that day when we have my family party, but she thought I was so impatient a lot and she just wants me to feel happy. Anyway, what she gave me that day was a new wii game called Just Dance 2016. Sport was a bit confused about why the game is called that when 2016 is about to be the new year after next month. 

Throughout the rest of the party, I received a lot of other things, most likely more Halloween decorations to put up for 2016's Halloween time. In fact, Sister Drama Queen has given both me and Bossy (since her birthday is in November too) a basket full of Halloween decorations, even the both of us have received a new festive blow-up ghost that is fifteen feet high!!! We tested mine to see how tall it really was and it reached all the way to the balcony of our entryway! It's like the children on the balcony to the master bedroom can touch the ghost's head. I never received many gifts for my birthday this year, but I don't complain about the amount of things they give me, but what I complain about is if they try to spoil me with bigger things, like a Karaoke machine one Christmas! But throughout the week, The Beast has a birthday present for me on Friday and I'll have to make sure that all my homework for school is all caught up and I'm ready to go for it. He and Beauty have invited me for a sleepover with pizza and movies. It will be fun!


  1. I am so happy that you finally had a great party after having to wait a bit. I enjoyed reading all about your thoughts on your party and I love that you got Halloween decorations. I would love to see your Christmas decorations when you get them up. I think you have been very creative with your decoration. Well blessings for you! Keep up all your good works~
