
Nov 11, 2015

Drama Queen's First Hockey Game

You remember when Sport, Taco, Burrito, and Bean Dip earned tickets to a Grizzlies Hockey game from selling Scouting Expo tickets? That was in April. Then the summer reading program and the library gave all of the kids a free ticket, so we finally had enough for everyone to see a game.

I hadn't realized that Drama Queen had never been to a hockey game with us before. I think she was a bit surprised by the violence...

They only had one actual "throw off the mitts and helmets" slugfest between a couple of guys. Then we giggled when they both got put in timeout. Baby Doll had to get a drink or go to the bathroom about half a dozen times. She might have been a little bored. She liked fist bumping the Grizzlies mascot though. It's funny, she was always terrified of the Chick-fil-A cow, but every other sports mascot has instantly been her best friend. Remember when she got the baseball from the Bee?

It was tons of fun and the Grizzlies won 4 - 2. We only had to pay for parking. Drama Queen even smuggled in some Halloween candy in her bag. Afterward we stopped by Wendy's and used our coupons for some free Jr. Frosties. There were 8 of us and my sweetie ordered 6 chocolate and 2 vanilla. The server made them just opposite, 6 vanilla and 2 chocolate. She gave us all the ones that were already made and then she gave us 4 more chocolate! So we scored 12 free Frosties.

I can't believe how quickly we are sliding into another weekend. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. I even wrapped some Christmas gifts today, the first of the season.


  1. You do know the clerk had to pay for those mistaken frosty's didn't you??? Wendy's makes their employees NOW pay for mistaken orders and it is taken from their paychecks
    please be kind to those working at Wendys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This looks like a such a great family adventure. I loved the Fosty moments Hugs!
