
Sep 21, 2015

Normal Crazy Weekend

I'm so sorry I've been a bit AWOL this week! I told you my computer is having issues and Bossy has been running constant tests on it since then to try to bring it back to life. I don't love working at my sweetie's computer. He has a weird keyboard, I can't find anything on his desk, but mostly, it just isn't my desk, my computer, you get it...

Friday was pretty slow and I got to spend a few minutes with my sweetie before he headed out of town yesterday. Not that I don't have plenty of company and problems to deal with when he is gone, but I just miss him so much when he travels.

We did get a chance to watch the Homecoming Parade. Prima Donna was supposed to walk with the drama department and the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers float, but her foot could only make it a block or two before she stopped and stayed with us until we headed for home. Although she is doing well and not wearing her boot at all, it is still difficult for her to do tons of walking or worse than that is quick walking and running is out of the question.

Saturday was football (both boys won!, as did the grandsons). Princess had a Nutcracker rehearsal and then she and Prima Donna went to the Girl Scout Annual Meeting. It was their last duty as delegates to our Oquirrh Community. Delegates only have two-year terms and they are both ending those two years. It's nice having them a bit more involved.
Burrito is such a little tease.

Fajita had a date to the Homecoming Dance and she had her date pick her up here. She looked so happy and beautiful! (Add a picture, Bossy!) We spent the rest of the evening making tomato sauce and beans. We got 12 quarts of tomato sauce after my sweetie made stuffed peppers out of a bunch of it. The beans are winding down now as the weather is getting cooler and we only had 4 quarts this time.

Daylen tickled the tease out of him.
Sunday was church. Scout had a talk to do and that was trauma getting it ready. For some reason she has forgotten that she can do things by herself. We also got my sweetie on an airplane and then we made homemade pizza for Princess's birthday dinner. We completed our celebration with cake and ice cream and then it was homework and Reflections and a poster contest until bedtime.

I'm hoping for a slower week that allows us to get some things finished up before rehearsals for Nutcracker and the musical get too crazy. Did I tell you Prima Donna got the part of Mrs. Holloum? She is super excited!

We are off. Time to get my sweet Baby Doll to preschool. Have a fantastic Monday!


  1. Wow, busy as always and I hope you get some rest time. I do love all the activities that you do with your family. I love reading about how each of them are doing in their individual lives. You have some very accomplished children. Hugs!
