
Sep 20, 2015

Guest Blogger: Harry Potter Books by Dog Walker

I know it's been a couple of days since you've been waiting for the latest story of our family. As a matter of fact, my mother wanted to tell all of you about one of the best moments that can be part of spending quality time with a family member, like your mom: Reading Harry Potter books. When I was young, my Mom was worried about how I was struggling with my reading abilities for school. Some of the times, I never felt like reading anything, because I've heard that reading is hard and long at the same time. That's how I wasn't fond of reading, until now. I've watched Harry Potter movies, but never read the books, until Mom asked me when I was ten to start reading them. When I started reading, I was still having a hard time trying to get the words to pronounce right and make the right tone of the character or the author's perspective. Whenever I encountered a word that was in the profanity list, I would always translate it to a word that's more appropriate to say. My parents have been teaching me about profanity, and some of the times in my childhood, I always quoted from movies, and I didn't know what actors would say was either offensive or inappropriate. So for the rest of a lifetime, whenever I encounter those profaning terms, I do the best I can to say them different instead of having to swear while reading.

For all of my childhood when reading Harry Potter to my mom, she said it was helping me know how to read hard words and I've been reading so much in my life. That might be impressive to all of you for an autistic person, but think about it when I earned all the merit badges. In order to earn them all, I had to do some reading too. Anyway, reading all of Harry Potter was a challenge. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the seventh book to my mom, because it felt very long for me to read and I couldn't decide if I should keep on reading or if I can stop for a while. Ever since then, I assumed that Harry Potter is all read and I don't feel like reading them anymore. But today, since I'm taking Children's Literature class at college, I'm asked to read one Harry Potter book. So I decided to read it to my mom, because she loves to hear me read and she always me with the other big words that are hard to pronounce. For a few days, I've been reading three chapters in one day from the first book to my mom, because she's so intrigued to hear what happens next. It sometimes gives me a headache whenever I read those long chapters and all the ten point font words, but I didn't want to disappoint my mom, so I keep reading until the times right to stop for a while and then get back to reading. I hope you enjoyed this and hopefully I'll be able to pass the Children's Literature class by December.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to take a children's literature class! I hope you enjoy readin Harry Potter to your mom! I like to read the whole series each year, maybe I should start soon!
