
Aug 3, 2015

San Antonio

I called this day San Antonio even though all we did was get up this morning, check out of the hotel and stop at a WalMart. It was a travel day and it was a long one. We got out of San Antonio about 10:00 and we only made a few stops, one at a rest area for lunch and twice at gas stations.

The kids were tired and a little cranky. So were the adults...

But we made the almost 7-hour drive safely to Carlsbad and we are looking forward to seeing the caverns first thing in the morning. Then we are driving back into Texas so we can see Mexico and the Rio Grande. I'm excited to see El Paso. I'm hoping for a more small town feel than we have seen so far.

It was raining when we got to Carlsbad and the hotel pool was closed since it was an outdoor pool and there was lots of lightning. The kids were disappointed about that, so we got carry-out pizza and let them watch the Disney channel, something we don't have at home.

They were much more content once their bellies were full. We are settling for the night now and hoping for an early start.


  1. Not every destination will be to your liking, rain, we have not had any measurable rain in the pacific northwest in our town for the whole summer, worse drought in 150 years, dry and more dry..we go to the ocean areas and take our 3 cats and stay. We almost cry when we have to drive back but we usually are with another couple and they get great gas mileage in the prius, gas being over $3.00 a gallon easily..We try to understand that in the 37 years we have lived here it has never ever been so dry and drought sticken..We are not going too many places this year..El Paso is huge and I mean huge, I cannot believe you would think it small the largest American city that borders Mexico in all of Texas, my neighbors are from there and love it up here with normal greenery and little heat and sunshine 200 plus days of rain to boot, not this year..It has affected everyone and everything, buring fires everywhere and farmers and vintners and ski people all gone no ski season whatsoever and soon the crops will be gone too..Enjoy your trip though, many here are suffering and no vacations whatsoever..

  2. Meant to say BURNING FIRES ALL THROUGH THE WEST, VERY DANGEROUS..No ski season whatsoever and many farmers had to get rid of crops that needed lots of moisture to survive so there went there crops for the whole year..Not many people take vacations in our neck of the woods, unemployment is rampant and food issues, I know I volunteer for the food pantry and I buy a lot of the protein for the people who actually work but they need help the middle of the month, most times it was the end of the month for their kids and themselves, see how blessed you are in Utah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bummer about the weather! Hope today has better weather for you! Enjoy the last bit of your trip! Keep everyone fed so they can be happy!!
