
Aug 2, 2015


We stayed in San Antonio last night and then we got up early this morning to see the Alamo. We hadn't planned to see it until tomorrow, but Teach and Craig wanted a chance to see it before they took off today. And I mean that literally.

We had originally planned to have Teach and Drama Queen drive back home yesterday through Denver and drop Craig on their way. Then Prima Donna broke her leg and we thought maybe we would need both vehicles with us so she could be comfortable. So we bought tickets for Teach and Craig to fly to Denver and then for Teach to fly home from there. I was surprised how reasonable the flights were. It only ended up costing us about $300 for all 3 flights, but it was much cheaper if they left from Austin, which worked out great since we wanted to see the Capitol today anyway.

But I digress...

The Alamo was amazing! Other than the ridiculous cost of parking, it was free. My sweetie and I read a book on the battle, so it was fun to look for specific items among the displays. Prima Donna loves history and she was practically in tears as we toured the shrine part of the memorial.

At 10:00 we hurried to the car. One of my favorite parts of this trip was planning to meet my blog friend, Marci, at her church. It was fun to visit for a few minutes. We were almost late. Teach and Craig had someone rear end them on the freeway just before we got there. It messed up her bumper and scratched it up good. I've never dealt with insurance stuff across state lines, so I hope it won't be too difficult.

After church we stopped at a little park and made sandwiches and then we all took off for Austin. A quick stop at the airport and Drama Queen took over the driving of Teach's car. As soon as they were safely in the terminal, we drove to the Capitol. It was beautiful! I'm sure people wondered why we were so dressed up, but we did come straight from church.

Then it was back to San Antonio for more sandwiches in our room. A few of us wanted to see the Riverwalk, but it was probably too late for us to be there. Some of the activities were a little sketchy and it made the kids uncomfortable. I was glad that Baby Doll and Scout stayed behind with Prima Donna and Drama Queen.

We are going to try to get on the road early tomorrow since we have quite a drive to Carlsbad. I'll let you know how we do.


  1. I am having a vacation through your family, thanks.

  2. Yay! Glad you guys made it to Austin! It was so fun to finally meet you guys! Hope the rest of the trip goes well! I'll have to start planning my next trip to Utah now!
