
Aug 21, 2015

Building a Team

Sport is #82 and those are his two coolers.
I love football!

A couple of nights ago, Sport's team had a parent meeting and they asked us all to bring a cooler full of water balloons so the boys would have something to do while we were talking. Being the super-over-achiever that she is, Bossy rounded up the kids and filled about 300 water balloons and two large coolers for me.

They were SOO heavy as we dragged them all the way across the field to where the team was meeting. But it was worth it. Sport was the most popular guy on the field and the last one to possess any filled balloons. His coaches are so into team building both on the field and off. They are 3 brothers who have coached together so long they can predict how the others will react.

We were so grateful to have Sport chosen again by this team. He has so many friends on it. Tomorrow night they are having a swim party rather than practice, then on Saturday they have their first official weigh in and scrimmage.

Curly vs. Burrito
Curly's team is not scrimmaging this week, but they did have a great game against Burrito's team on Wednesday. I'm not even going to point out who knocked down who...


  1. I love football season. my favorite college team is Alabama, roll tide.

  2. I loved the pictures and I am sure the water balloons were fun!

  3. Being part of a team-building experience is a great step for any youngster and having participating parents is such a bonus. When adults put so much into encouraging kids in such a positive activity as sport, it's good for the self-esteem and enjoyment of everyone. I must try those water-filled balloons. What fun they look!

    Maribeth Curley @ UP Communication
