
Aug 20, 2015

Another Exciting Night at the Bees Game

Let me confess right up front that the game itself wasn't all that exciting. The Bees lost 8 - 2, although one of their 2 points was an over-the-fence home run.

We got these free passes from the summer reading program and Read Today. (Thanks!) I have known for several weeks that we would likely have a problem attending because of dance and football although I had hoped that at least some of us could go.

As it turned out, there were 9 of us; my sweetie and me, Dog Walker, Teach, Princess, Curly, Baby Doll, Fajita, and Burrito. There were lots of other kids there, so it was a fun friendly environment, even more than normal. We were so excited when the mascot, the Bee, came right over to our section. The Dog Walker quickly got in line with Curly, Burrito, and Baby Doll.

I don't know if it was her cute pink skirt or her pink hair, but the Bee's handler took a shine to her and he pulled a baseball from his bag, had the Bee sign it and then he presented it just to her. (Later on we did see him present one other ball, so this was quite an honor with all those kids there.)

She was beyond excited! The ball even had her name on it! She safely stowed it in Princess's bag so we wouldn't lose it before we got home. Not long after that, the Dog Walker took her and Burrito to the grass area so they could ride the free train.

That's when Curly dropped my Tupperware water bottle down the open elevator shaft.

Fortunately, Fajita offered to find an usher it get it out for us. Then Princess bought Teach an ice cream cone to celebrate her first day of teaching and I guess the worker thought they were cute because they got twice as much as they should have which worked out great for me because I got to eat (and share) the overage.

We were out way too late for a school night although Curly (and Teach) are the only ones who were with us who have school tomorrow. Maybe we will all get a chance to sleep a little extra on the weekend.


  1. I'm convinced there is nothing better than a night at the ballpark. It sounds like yours even had a few perks.

  2. That looks like a great adventure; happy she got the ball, awesome~
