
Jun 21, 2015

Happy Fathers' Day

Church seemed SOO early this morning! I was tired, but Teach made breakfast in bed for Dad and of course that included me too. :) It was delicious! We had bacon, eggs, blueberry pancakes, and orange juice. The little ones got to sing in church, so that was fun.

I managed to sneak in a nap and then we made dinner for my sweetie. He feasted on au gratin potatoes made by the Drama Queen and loaded chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon and rolls. Sport even grilled up some hot dogs for the kids. Grandpa also joined us in our festivities as did Bossy and Gamer's family and Beauty and The Beast. I just love having all of my children around me!

We finished off dinner with gifts and ice cream drumsticks for everyone.

Happy Fathers' Day to all the dads out there. Hope you had as much fun as we did, maybe even more!

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