
Jun 23, 2015

Five Percent Power

I feel like my phone tonight... at about 5 % power.

It's been a long weekend that didn't get much better as the calendar rolled over to Monday. Not that it was necessarily bad things, just things. Like Sport, Curly, and Scout have been taking tennis lessons on Monday and Wednesday evenings. The problem is that they sprung this baseball tournament on us and we have stuff colliding with stuff everywhere.

So I made arrangements for them to go to the morning class at 10:00. Except that I forgot I was giving Sport golf lessons for his birthday on Tuesday and they started today. I remembered about 15 minutes into his first class, and then we were pulling on shoes and racing out the door so that he didn't miss the entire lesson.

Of course that made him late for tennis. I tried to accomplish things in between the chasing all day. Like after I picked them up from tennis, Sport and I stopped by the tire store to borrow 8 old tires for our Obstacle Course at pack meeting tomorrow.

Sometime in there, I fixed The Beast's pants, made a trek skirt for Crafty, and sorted through all the laundry (clean and dirty) to find Curly's baseball shirt. It happened to be in the dirty (Sport's was in the clean), so I threw it in the washer. It ran the cycle and I got it dried just before Curly and I took off for Sport's game. That's when I noticed that he had spilled brownie batter all down the front of it.

I kept score through two baseball games (Sport's team lost, so they are out of the tournament, and Curly's team won so they have a game right over the top of pack meeting). Then I quickly drove to Beauty and The Beast's house for Beauty's birthday party. Thankfully, Princess made lemon bars and brownies, so my only responsibility was wrapping the gifts which I did between other projects this afternoon.

I took care of a Tupperware customer, tried to work out parking and other issues for pack meeting, and helped the girls pack for trek which also included a trip to Wal Mart for stuff we were missing. Of course we couldn't get everything we needed so I will be making another trip to Sam's and Walgreens tomorrow. I also have a bunch of stuff to do for pack meeting before 7:00 and the girls were hoping I could whip them each up a bonnet and an apron before they leave early Wednesday morning.

Time for some much needed sleep.
So I can put myself on the charger and hopefully get my tired body to 100%.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness; I just don't know how you do it all. I do hope you got re-charges. You are one busy lady; amazing!
