
May 29, 2015

Guest Blogger: Dessert Potluck at Kauri Sue Hamilton by Elder Dog Walker

It's been a little while since I've got to tell you some more about my mission. The mission is going pretty well and my testimony is about built up. All the children at the seminaries have been blessed with their knowledge of the Gospel and they're hoping that it will be kept to them for the rest of their lives. It goes for me, the teachers, and the fellow missionaries also. It's a little disappointing that my mission is going to be done this week, but I'm pretty sure that it was a blessing that I'll never forget for the rest of my life.

Today is Kauri Sue Hamilton's last day of their school year and I wanted to finish my mission by the time their school year ended. Yesterday, at Kauri Sue Hamilton, we had a Summer Luncheon. It was also a dessert potluck, meaning every missionary was required to bring a treat to share at the luncheon. Remember the missionary story about Kauri Sue Hamilton doing a Cupcake Wars competition? You know, when my idea was to do Book of Mormon Blueberry? Well, for the dessert potluck, I thought that I could give them my prize winning Book of Mormon Blueberry cupcakes, but then another thought came in my mind. I decided to make Strawberry Stripling Warrior cupcakes. The way I made them was with strawberry and chocolate cake mixes striped patterned. And then I spread chocolate frosting on top of the cupcakes and I use half of a natural strawberry and stick on top of the cupcake and I used green frosting and drew arms, legs and a face on the strawberry. And the last part, I put a pretzel stick on the tip of the arm and it looks like a little warrior. All of you would think it's cute.

The potluck at Kauri Sue Hamilton was a blast, even though a couple of people got to try the cupcakes. We had baked potatoes, hot dogs, and chili at the luncheon and all the other missionaries brought their treats for the dessert potluck. I brought 24 cupcakes to the potluck just in case a lot of people would want to try them. Unfortunately, I ended up having to take eighteen of them home with me, but at least a few people liked them and I also saved some for my siblings who wanted to try it.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my mission and I'm pretty sure that all of you are going to love to hear my missionary report after the 28th of June.

P.S. If you want to try my idea of these cupcakes, you can. They are as good as you can imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Dog Walker those cupcakes are just adorable. Maybe you should be a cake decorator. This was so creative. Just want you to know I have loved reading all of your blogs about your mission. You are an awesome young man and I am sure you have had a big impact on those you worked with.
    Tell your Mom to give me more information on your mission report on June 28th. If we are in town I may try to come.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
