
May 4, 2015

Gamer's Birthday

Gamer's birthday is on May 7 and we typically combine it with our Cinco de Mayo celebration and have a fiesta since he is Hispanic. This year, however, he really wanted something different, so we had his birthday party today (since his actual birthday is the same day as SLCC graduation for Princess and Dog Walker).

We had about 30 friends and family members over and we still enjoyed the pinata, but we ate bbq chicken, watermelon and corn on the cob. Drama Queen couldn't resist the urge to make tres leches cake and it was delicious with all the fresh fruit and nuts.

I'm looking at this week coming up and taking a deep breath...

It's going to be an incredibly exciting, happy, busy week! But I have to be prepared or things could quickly spiral out of control. We have a big dumpster coming tomorrow so we can get the branches and things out of the yard and get it ready for the graduation party in a couple of weeks.

Baseball, softball, practices, games, dance, two Tupperware parties, dentist appointments, Dog Walker's final for his Math glass, graduation, fathers and sons' campout, our Girl Scout sleepover, and the Miss South Jordan pageant for Princess.




1 comment:

  1. I am panting hard after reading what you have to do this week. I think you may need prayers to get it all in. You are just amazing; what more can I say.
    Prayers, blessings and hugs for you dear girl~
