
May 5, 2015

A Real Bargain

You really can't see this picture very well, can you? I should have taken it while it was still light outside, but as usual, I didn't think about it until I was getting ready to write this post. It's actually a large dumpster we rented for the day from the city.

They are very reasonable at $40 and a great way to dispose of branches and other junk (like a rusted out old bbq grill) that we don't need anymore. The city drops it in the morning and we get about 24 hours to fill it up and then they come by and take it away again.

So over the weekend my sweetie spent an impressive amount of time pruning trees and raking old leaves and making piles for us to add to the dumpster. After his mission today, the Dog Walker began to load things up.

It never holds as much as we think it will...

After it was mostly full and the gate was latched, we looked around at all we had left to still toss including quite a few piles of dead leaves and branches. There was also a tiller that hadn't worked for several years. My sweetie had originally planned to toss it in the dumpster until it wouldn't really fit.

Then he came up with the idea of giving it away on KSL until he called Bossy and she recommended that he ask for some money for it. We priced it at $50 thinking we would have to pare that down a bit, but the very first buyer came over with his cash in hand and hauled it off.

About 10 minutes later we had someone else stop by...

then someone else...

Got a new pic before they took it away.
It's really making me wonder what else I have around here that is broken that might sell. Anybody interested in a power washer? It hasn't worked for about 5 years, other than that and some dust, it's perfect.


  1. We had two lawnmowers that we thought did not work, a fellow came by walking his dog and got them to work, he asked if we needed them we did not and paid us $200.00 for both..Oh, my goodness sakes, people are nice and most men know mowers..Good you got the dumpster, your costs where you live are far cheaper than out in the pacific northwest, garbage is outrageous so people resort to throwing garbage, cars, etc in the pristine forests of course the sheriff office finds the owners and they get fined and jailed sometimes..water is high here, but for 37 years we have paid on our electric and the pud gave us a huge refund due to the warmest heat in recorded history, we can't imagine the heat and humidity coming the end of may it is predicted, big big is great you live where groceries, utilities and gas are very reasonable with the size of your family and you being a wonderful mom and homemaker and just plain smart..Happy Mother's day to you, your children are pearls of you and your husband they truly are, been praying constantly for Princess to snag lots of scholarships for her bs degree continuation at the college you mentioned..kudos to all your kids, they are a big reflection of your devotion to the Lord, your faith and your husbands devotion to the Lord and his faith too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am happy to find out about renting a dumpster; we have some stuff to get rid of too. I am amazed that you can sell about anything. We may have a couple of things we could sell too. I found this inspiring! Hugs~
