
Apr 11, 2015

Another Scholarship

Remember a few weeks ago when I was totally stressed about some scholarship applications Princess was working on? One of them was for the South Jordan City water conservation project. She had to come up with a proposal and a media campaign to teach people how to be more careful with water.

On the surface it seemed pretty easy, until she realized she actually had to film a sample of her project. Fortunately, Prima Donna loves acting and she was happy to be her example.

Princess and I delivered her entry to the city on the due date and promptly moved on to the next item of business. And then yesterday she got a letter in the mail from the city. She was so excited to read the words, "We are pleased to announce that you have been awarded..."

We are so proud of her! She tries so hard at everything she does and now she can add another thousand dollars to her college fund. Way to go, Princess!


  1. Wow whee, congratulations Princess, she is extraordinary, soon she will have all the money needed for her bachelors degree and maybe even more for more college. Your children are wonderful and they strive for great educational pursuits and also are sweet, loving and kind not to mention she can bake and is so sweet to her Mom and Dad, it is because of you and your parenting and your hubs too. Again congratulations to your Princess!

  2. Wow, that is so awesome. Congratulations Princess; that is so wonderful.

  3. What a blessing!! Congratulations!
