
Apr 12, 2015

Another Crazy Saturday

I swear, my life is way too full.

Although I shouldn't complain, I did get to sleep in today.

Sort of.

Prima Donna and the Drama Queen took off early this morning to help with the State One Act competition and of course they had to wake me up first. But it wasn't long before I was snoozing again.

At 9:00 I finally got up and herded the kids out the door for the Lowe's class. Princess took off for a city service project, and we picked up Bossy and her kids on our way. The Lowe's trip required buying a new cooktop (I'll tell you that story tomorrow) and then we ran back to the house to make sandwiches to eat on our way downtown.

It was the Super Reader party today! The kids love that one and they got a bunch of free stuff again but most notably a big stuffed dog each and an age-appropriate book to read. After a couple of hours of playing, we drove back home to face the yardwork.

My sweetie had brought home dozens of bags of brown mulch he picked up for $2 a bag at Home Depot and we weeded and mulched all the front flowerbeds and the side yard. The girls planted a few flowers and then I ran Curly to his baseball practice.

After more yardwork, we cleaned up and headed for the church. It was our turn to help clean it. Thankfully, it was pretty easy since last week was General Conference. My sweetie wanted to treat the kids so we stopped at 7-11 and got in on their $2 for any size Slurpee deal. We filled both football jugs and a gallon pitcher...

We used some of the In and Out free burger certificates from their reading program for dinner and we fed ten of us for about $17. Princess took off for a date and I ran to get lawnmower gas and a new sprinkler so we could try to repair some of the damage from last fall's fertilizer fiasco.

I'm tired now and thinking it must be time for bed, but my sweetie is watching a movie while Prima Donna and the Drama Queen are dyeing their hair. Princess is making popcorn and I'm hoping the little ones are actually asleep.

So glad that tomorrow is a day of rest!

1 comment:

  1. I could use a day of rest! It's always so busy, isn't it?
