
Mar 15, 2015

Pi Day

Did you eat pie today?

We decided to play this one up and we had chicken pot pie for lunch, pizza pie for dinner, and Marie Callendar's cream pies for dessert. I was happy for the easy meals since we had so much going on today. The boys had baseball tryouts and that took the better part of the morning and into the afternoon.

We were also selling Scouting Expo (formerly Scout-o-Rama) tickets. That meant stopping at the kickoff this morning and picking up tickets and then running to the park for baseball. Bean Dip and Fajita immediately began selling and since we had 80 tickets to unload on the first day sales, we needed every minute of it.

It literally took us all day, but by 6:20, all 4 boys had qualified for first day prizes that including a hiking stick, tickets to the Bees game, a mess kit, a headlamp, a backpack, a skillet, and a hockey ticket. Not bad!

We also managed to squeak in a trip to the grocery store and one to Kohl's Oh, and we made monster trucks at the Lowe's class this morning... and we delivered most of the rest of the Girl Scout cookies...

Thank goodness tomorrow is the sabbath and a day of rest.

1 comment:

  1. Coconut Cream Pie, Quiche (egg pie), and Chicken Pot Pie at our house!
