
Mar 14, 2015

LEGO Americana Roadshow

My kids LOVE Lego building blocks, which isn't surprising since my sweetie and I both spent many hours playing with them when we were younger. So when I heard that the LEGO Americana Roadshow was making a stop at Fashion Place Mall, I knew we had to work it into our busy schedule.

Today turned out to be the perfect day. We were finishing up our Girl Scout meeting when my sweetie texted me to see if we had a free evening. Some of the kids had plans, but most of us were available, so we piled into the big van with Bossy's family and headed for the mall.

It was super crowded! There were people everywhere, but we still managed to find a parking spot. We entered the mall near the construction area and at first we were a little disappointed with the displays. They seems a bit random and haphazard, but that was before we saw the historical sites.

They were amazing! My favorite was the full-sized Liberty Bell, but my sweetie thought the Capitol was the most impressive. Crafty loved the Statue of Liberty. We spent a few minutes in the Lego store, and it was also ridiculously busy.

I highly recommend that if you get time to see this display as it tours the country that you do it. It's free and tomorrow they even have a little free build from noon to 4:00 in Utah. We will be at baseball tryouts during that time-frame, so you won't see us there, but we would love to come, even if we had to brave the crowds.

I wonder how many people they can cram into the mall before someone calls the Fire Marshall..



  1. Woah! That is so cool! I cannot believe those are made from Legos! I would love to see that in person, thanks for sharing.

  2. Westfield Mall in the state of Washington only has by invitation only Lego and other events, it is against the law to cram that many people into one Mall so you have to be invited when you go to the Malls in Washington state you sign up for these events in advance and they make sure at the places they count the people and cut it off by a certain number, no use in harming people to see and enjoy anything, in Seattle proper they had a huge Lego event by invite only somehow my hubs and I got in, they counted to their was a lunch and hydration and free swag bags of Legos we got two and gave them to our neighbors kids who adore Legos they enjoyed those Legos for years and years..enjoy your weekend..

  3. Happy Pi day, not another Pi day for 127 years, I made two cherry pies from frozen last night and we are going to a choral concert at the high school our only graduated and take them to auction off for the ALCOHOL FREE AND DRUG FREE GRADUATION PARTY, I bet they will fetch a lot of money for this great cause they do it every year in March, only the Math teacher our daughter had when she attened the school said it will be another I think she said 127 or 27 years when it swings by again..can you imagine?
