
Feb 2, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday

I can't believe I didn't take a single picture of our Super Bowl party yesterday! We had so much fun. We have a morning church schedule this year, so we were all home just after 12:00. That made it easy to push the kids through some homework before I started working on the food. The kids tell me a Super Bowl party is all about the food. :)

Bossy's family was in charge of treats, so we did bean dip, rice salad, and chicken chimis. They brought brownies and wings from Applebee's. Did I tell you Gamer has started working there again a few nights a week? He bought the wings when he got off Saturday night. He is an awesome server! He made nearly $200 in tips in one evening.

But I digress...

Beauty and The Beast joined us just after halftime, so for a few beautiful moments, I had all my children here. I just love that.

We worked on Valentines and some of the kids played games during the football game, but it's not really about football, it's about being together, although the game turned out to be amazing even though none of us are really Patriots fans or Seahawks fans.

And kudos to the NFL for a fun halftime show! Sometimes I can't let my little ones even watch it, but Katy Perry did a great job and her last number when she was doing Firework was awesome! If you missed it, check it out on YouTube.

So I'm sharing with you a couple more pics from my nephew's dance showcase on Saturday. Hope you have a good and happy week!


  1. Gamer sounds like a sweet son in law, here the people drink at applebees and order apps and food and tip one doggone it dollar..Now the manager has allowed the bill to include suggestions for tips, really who goes out and drinks alcohol expensive as it is and orders tons of appetizers not cheap here and gives a dollar tip..the manager is a childhood friend of our only child and the people who work there are going to college and single parents supporting their families..So now people tip or so he mentioned, we love to go in the afternoon and get the new menu of steak with grains and I order tea and my hubs a coke I always leave a $10.00 bill no matter what the bills is which is more than 30 percent of our total as we get a special discount from something on a triple AAA card thingie, I watch what we spend out as I am a wonderful chef and my hubs too, but the new grain menu with steak is far cheaper than I could make and it is healthy and scrumptious and the servers have to make good tips in order to live and feed their families and go to college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I meant to say most patrons tip a dollar before the manager put the suggested tip on the bills, now people tip..One cannot support a family on air, if one can go out to dine in a family restaurant you better bring money to tip the server, because the server is living off the tips, either the only member of a family who works or it is a second job. You Go Gamer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sounds like a fun party! I bet it was a blast being together as a family to enjoy it! Being from Seattle, I was pretty disappointed at the end of the game, but we had a great time. We have some friends that are also from Seattle that we had over (last year too!) and we watched together.

  4. Well ok ill let the food world know a secret i recently discovered!! Servers can order you 30 boneless wings for about 23 bucks a pop! if you do it after 9pm Sun-Thurs Half Price! and after 10pm Fri-Sat

  5. Your super bowl activity sounded like a good one. We did really get into it this year but we enjoyed some good food together.
    I think it was sweet that you had all of the children together for a few precious moments of times.
