
Feb 3, 2015

Life is Short...

Yesterday was a rough day.

Last Thursday, my sweet friend lost her good husband suddenly to a stroke. His spirit was gone within seconds, his body lingered for several hours. They were married for 60 years and constant companions for the last little while. She handled it all so well with her incredible faith and positive attitude. I know families are forever, but separation is hard, even if it's just for a short time.

When Teach left to serve her mission, I knew we would see her again, but 18 months seemed like an eternity then. Now it is all like a beautiful dream that passed quickly and is just a pleasant memory. The pain of separation is long diminished by the reality of the now.
Teach - just prior to leaving for her mission

I spent the day at the church, arriving at 9:30 when the viewing began and staying close by in case I could help with anything. Princess asked me to get her released from school so she could join me at 11:00 in the chapel for the funeral service. Then we drove to Camp Williams together for the burial.

He was a proud veteran of the Korean war with many service medals. The bugler played taps and then two other servicemen slowly and gently folded the flag from the coffin. It brought tears to my eyes as one young men knelt before her and softly thanked her for her sweetheart's service to his country. Then he placed the flag carefully in her trembling hands.

Oh my dear friends!

Give someone a hug today.
Tell someone you love and appreciate them.
Life is so short!


  1. Oh, what a tragic couple of days. Extra love to your friend. Glad you were able to be there!

  2. I'm so very sorry for your friend's loss. For your loss.

    Life is way too short. Losing people with no warning breaks my heart, as I know it all too well.

    Sending strength.

  3. Sending prayers for your friend. xo

  4. Oh, that is a sad one. It is sweet that she has you, family and friends to support her. I can't even imagine the pain of losing a spouse at all, let alone after 60 years.
    Thank heavens for the gospel and the knowledge they will be together again.
    I am sure the funeral was lovely.
    I would be a basket case witnessing the taps and the flag being given to her.
    Sending love and hugs your way for you all. Blessings are wished for too.
