
Jan 25, 2015

The Big Five - O

Happy birthday to me! OK, give it to me, your best "50" joke.

My living room window and Baby Doll posing as a beauty queen!
I decided a few weeks ago that reaching 50 certainly beat the alternative, so here I am.

Half a century. Teach has been teasing me about being a half a Roman soldier, but I keep reminding her that is a Centurion, not a Centenarian

The kids had fun decorating the living room windows with the colored window markers we used on the newlywed's getaway car.

I did make them promise we wouldn't have anything but a family party. And guess what!? When we put the bottom layer of Beauty and The Beast's wedding cake in the freezer, I told everyone that we were going to pull it out and have it for my birthday cake! I'm pretty excited about that!

Then we can talk about wedding memories instead of how old I'm getting...


  1. Happy 50th birthday. Mine will be on Thanksgiving so we are planning a major blowout for it. We celebrate 50 big in my family because it was the last one my father ever celebrated.

  2. Happy 50th Birthday, you don't look like you are past 30 at all, must be having kids and kids and loving and living your faith and a sweetie pie for a husband, committed and faithful to the Lord..You looks fabulous and to married and happy with such wonderful kids you are wonderful..too bad I don't live closer I would do your laundry and cook and clean for a week for you I would, it doesn't bother me at all, I love laundry and I know how to cook for a crowd, I volunteer for the hungry, homeless and people who do work but no food after the 9th of the month here in our town...I can make a wonderful cake up for you and would bring it on over..Happy Happy Happy, my Mom never made it to 40 let alone 50..You are blessed more of God's wonderful blessings to you as the years fly by..what a lady LDS member wife and momma you are kudos!

  3. I meant to say you LOOK FABULOUS and wonderful a person born one month from Christmas, how wonderful it did not occur on the Christmas day, you get to celebrate separately..Your faith and family have made you look like a youngster..If only others could be as sweet, kind and loving a wife and mother you are..Your children are the jewels in your life and your HUSBAND too...Congratulations dear Sandy...ciao!XXX()()()()()& happy happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday, Sandy! How smart about freezing the wedding cake and pulling it out for your big party!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!!

    I am having to put my blog to private! If you want to be able to read, then send me an email to and I can add you! Thanks

  6. Happy 50th Birthday Sandy; I hope you had a spectacular day. You deserve a wonderful celebration. You are such an amazing woman. I love what a fantastic mother you are. You have a wonderful hubby and family. I admire you so much and still hope that we will meet someday. i know we live close.
    Blessings and hugs for you!
