
Jan 26, 2015

Happy Day

I had a wonderful birthday! Thank you for all of your kind wishes. :)

We had church this morning and Dog Walker and I taught the Gospel Essentials class. My sweetie made these amazing steak sandwiches for lunch. Then it was choir practice where they sang to me, of course. When we got home, we watched Newsies and I got two more quilt tops ready to sew. After that our home teachers stopped by with a short lesson.

I told my sweetie I wanted a barbecue. We rarely have nice enough weather in January here in Utah to do such crazy things, so while we played a rousing game of basketball, he grilled hot dogs. We also had corn on the cob, chips, baked beans, and watermelon.

It was so fun and different! All the kids were here and their families. That's my favorite kind of birthday. If you remember, last year Teach was missing because she was in Texas on her mission. After cake and ice cream, the kids started heading in their own directions. I cornered the four youngest so I could get them prepared to go back to school tomorrow. They have been off since before Christmas, so they weren't very happy about that.

Then I talked on the phone for an hour to my sister. It was an awesome day. Except that I didn't take any pictures. Not a single one.

So I'm going to leave you with the beautiful picture of Princess from Friday night's Sterling Scholar banquet down at UVU. Her portfolio is finally finished and now we just have to see if she made the next cut for Region competition.

Prima Donna finally finished all her paperwork for her Gold Award. Yay! It's only been 7 months...

And how was your weekend?


  1. What can a person ask for but their faith, family and food..really? you got all 3 and your hubs sounds like a jewel of a husband and daddy..You are amazing, disciplined, kind, loving and loving of the Lord..Happy happy..may your week and year be filled with God's Blessings!XXX()()()

  2. Wow, it sounds like you had a lovely but very busy birthday. I wonder sometimes how you pack so many things into a day.
    I think a barbecue birthday party in January is awesome since the weather is so nice.
    I hate it when I forget to take pictures when family is here. I did the same thing at Thanksgiving. I do sometimes wonder where my brain is.
    Blessings and birthday hugs!
