
Jan 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Teach has been after me all day to make some goals for the new year. I must confess that I generally face a new year with a can-do attitude, but I'm just not feeling it this year.

Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way.

This past year, 2014, was one of the most eventful, most wonderful, most challenging years of my life. Teach was on her mission in the beginning and I went through some super-depressing times in the spring first with my surgery and then with shingles. My sweetie has worked so many hours this year there are some days I feel like a single mom although I know if I really needed him he would be here in a heartbeat.

The second half of the year was filled with Beauty and The Beast's courtship and subsequent marriage, Teach coming home from her mission, Drama Queen changing her life, and Bossy and Gamer heading for the temple. I am at the lowest weight I have been in about 20 years. My sweetie has lost almost 70 lbs.

The Dog Walker is nearly ready to finish his college degree and even though he failed Math 1010 in the summer, he pulled off a B this semester. He is finally beginning to understand math and he loves being a missionary. The blessings just keep flowing here and most of them were not a direct result of any goals I set on January 1, 2014.

So, yes, I will try my best and work hard. I will be the best mom I know how to be. I will attend my church meetings and pay my tithing and support my missionaries (Drama Queen wants to serve in the summer!), and I will be happy and hopefully more healthy. But I think I will let my Heavenly Father make all the big decisions. The only real resolution I need is to rely on Him more. For me and my family, He's doing an amazing job!


  1. will you explain to me how your church works? why did your daughter have to get "sealed" to go to her brother's wedding?

  2. A wedding in the temple is different from other marriages because rather than “until death do we part,” the couple is sealed together for this life and even after death, so they can be married forever, not just for this earth life. To be sealed, they must first be endowed, and that means making promises to our Heavenly Father in the temple. Before attending the temple, we must receive a recommend from our Bishop and Stake President, stating that we are trying our best to live by the rules. The first time in the temple, you make promises for yourself, after that you take the name of a deceased family member or friend and make promises in their behalf. If they choose to accept them or not is up to them. Bossy and Gamer were endowed on the 23rd because they wanted to attend the wedding/sealing of Beauty and The Beast. An adult must be endowed to attend a sealing. The wedding reception is a big party for everyone including small children, unendowed members, and friends. Does that make sense? Sandy

  3. I am just so impressed with your year of 2014. I look forward to your blessings of 2015. I like you think it is best to just rely on our Heavenly Father to guide us and keep on the path laid out before us.
    Blessings for you all in the year of 2014~
