
Jan 3, 2015

In Search of Christmas

I've told you before I have a dear friend who makes a very convincing Santa Claus. I want to share with you his story and the subsequent video that followed this amazing chain of events.

Hope it is a fitting conclusion to all of our Christmas holidays.

As told by Richard Larsen:
"I would like to pass this along, not for any attention on me, but to share a small Christmas miracle with friends and family.
Being blessed to share in this project was nothing short of a blessing for me and was a culmination of some small confidences or as I prefer to believe, inspired events.

#1. I obsess over my schedule, checking it more that twice. But for some reason I had it in my head that my first appointment was 15 minutes later than it was, so I would have time to fill up at Costco before starting the day. I had plenty of gas for the day, but knew if I didn't fill up now I would have to fill up late that night or Sunday which I prefer not to do.

#2. I have a policy of not fueling while in red so as not to attract attention and cause uncomfortable questions from children that might witness it and start an inquisition directed to mom and dad.

#3. As I pulled into Costco it was a crowded mess at the pumps. I quickly pulled into the shortest line and then noticed the reason it was the shortest was because one pump was not working. I quickly threw the sleigh into reverse thinking there was no way I could wait. As I moved back towards the entrance, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a lane that had only the two customers filling up. As I pulled up behind the car in front of me who was just finishing up I was still amazed that while every other line had at least three cars backed up, this one was open. I filled up and was off to the races when Chris flagged me down. I'm afraid I wasn't very cordial, but I did offer him my e-mail address and left in a hurry.

 It wasn't until I was at Jolley's Gifts that I had a chance to reflect on the experience. I felt I had blown the chance to be a part of something special. After a long day of greeting children I ran home to check my e-mail and was grateful that Chris had contacted me with more information about Mitchell's Journey. Though it was late, Chris and I made contact and I was able to meet the Jones family at the cemetery. It was rainy but Michell's little brother stuck bravely to my side with an umbrella to keep me dry. We then traveled to their home and as soon as I entered Mitchell's room I could feel the love that still existed there.

It was truly a blessing for me.
I hope all of my friends and family have had a most joyous Christmas and have been as blessed as I have been."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. Blessings for this one!
