
Jan 20, 2015

MLK Holiday

Were you off work and school today?

Since our school district was out and so was the Dog Walker's school, my sweetie took the day mostly off (with a little work from home). We spent the morning running errands and cleaning the house a little and then we went out to lunch with our last bunch of free coupons for MacDonald's. I fed 10 of us for just over $11.00. :)

Then we piled back in the van and drove over to the church to see if the gym was free. With no cars in the parking lot, we rushed home and changed into gym shoes and grabbed the ball bag. It was so fun playing basketball with my favorite people!

Then we stopped by Menchies for free frozen yogurt before heading home. Princess had dance at 4:00, but the rest of us had a movie laundry-folding party and made frozen pizza for dinner. Then we had a rousing game of Bananagrams before we popped in one more movie to finish out our day together.

I tore the blocks for two baby quilts while we were watching the movie. Princess is helping a couple of friends with Eagle Scout projects and one of them is doing baby quilts for Primary Children's Medical Center. Of course I had to help with that!

Only one more week before my little ones go back on track. I'm not looking forward to that change. It's been so nice to have all this time off. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than spend time with my family.

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