
Jan 18, 2015

Bubble Wrap Boots

Princess is a teacher in the Mini-Miner preschool at Bingham. She loves it! She tells me it is the highlight of her school day.

About once a month she gets to teach the class a lesson she has thought out and prepared all by herself. You know she is a super-over-achiever, so everything she does is really fun and age-appropriate. And she almost always tries out the activities with her own preschool sister first.

I have to admit I thought she was crazy when she suggested this one.

So did Baby Doll.
The first thing we did was fashion a sort of shoe out of bubble wrap with the small bubbles. Then she tore off a piece of butcher paper (that turned out to be WAY too small!) and laid it out on the floor.

I rolled up the bottoms of Baby Doll's jeans while Princess poured washable paint into two paper plates.

Then she stood Baby Doll on the paper and told her to walk in the paint and then on the paper. Baby Doll was pretty hesitant. She kept looking at me like this might get her in big trouble. I finally picked her up and set one foot in the paint. At the same time, her first bubbles popped.

Princess set her other foot in the yellow and convinced her to step off onto the paper. Finally a smile emerged. She started jumping and popping, then doing tap moves, all the while spreading her paint around to make a fun picture.

She was actually a little sad when we picked her up and removed her plastic shoes.

This was a fun and crazy activity and I can't really imagine how it will be when she has 30 kids doing it at the high school! But she has promised me they are covering the entire hallway with paper so they won't accidentally slip and make a mess.

I just hope she remembers to buy all washable paint...

1 comment:

  1. This small bubble wrap boot is looking nice. You boy must have enjoyed wearing it. Thank you for sharing this fun post!
