
Jan 12, 2015

Followed by a Nice Down Day

If you read yesterday's post, you know I've had another crazy week followed by a huge party for Bossy and Gamer and their family. So today I decided to take the day off.


When the alarm rang at 8:00 so I could get the kids up and ready for church, my sweetie was already in the shower. I hit the snooze button a couple of times, but I was just so tired. I hate to admit that the majority of the family slept in until about 11:00. Except for the Dog Walker. He texted me from church, "Aren't you coming?"

I rolled over and went back to sleep. I did repent and took most of the family to the 3rd ward. Their meeting starts at 1:00.

We ate leftovers from the fiesta for lunch and then I went back upstairs and took ANOTHER NAP!!

Only a short one though, Sport had a Priesthood Preview meeting at 5:00. It was nice and they served huge chocolate chip cookies when it was over. (I've got to start taking this January diet thing seriously!) My sweetie made bread during my second nap, so we had that along with salad and fruit for dinner. Then we sacked out together on the couch and watched the end of the Disney movie that was playing on KBYU.

I love those old movies. This one was The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes. So much fun! The kids had never seen it before and Curly came in for about the last 20 minutes. When it ended, he said, "Start it over, Dad. I want to see the whole thing." These kids are certainly living in a different world from the one I grew up in...

I did do a little rapid cleaning so I wouldn't have to face a disaster on Monday morning. Then it was homework help and now I'm writing a post. Dog Walker starts his final semester tomorrow, but he only has his Math 1050 class and a workshop so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm hoping for a slower week, but that rarely happens.

At least everyone is feeling better. I'll be glad when the inversion finally blows out of the valley.

And how was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that you slowed down for the day. I would say it was a perfect Sabbath day even if you had to go to another ward at 1:00. Our ward starts at 1:00 so I am trying to come up with a better Sabbath day schedule.
    I hope you do get a touch of a slower week; you deserve to have a little down time. Do you ever get to just sit back and read a good book?
    Have a great week and blessings for you!
