
Jan 11, 2015

A Good Day

Today was a good day. It was the day Bossy and Gamer were sealed in the temple, making their marriage eternal rather than "til death do us part." They were so happy and they had so many friends and family members there to support them, it was amazing!

The ceremony was at 6:00 in the evening. We had a fiesta to prepare so my sweetie spent the day cooking sweet pork and tacos while Bossy made tamales. She and Drama Queen wrapped them all last night. I took some of the kids over to the church so we could set up tables and chairs and prepare for the onslaught of people.

I think we had at least 200 people come through during the two hours we were partying. At one point we had a pinata. We set up nine round tables with 8 chairs each and they were always full. I was afraid we were going to run out of food, but we managed to feed everyone and still bring home a few leftovers.

My awesome brother-in-law, Glen, took pics for us just like he did for Beauty and The Beast's wedding, but I don't have any of them yet so I will just leave you with the one that Drama Queen took at the church plus a few that Princess snapped when we were finally back home and cleaning up.

First thing this morning I noticed that my blog counter reached half a million pageviews. Thank you so much for stopping by to read about our crazy lives!


  1. Congratulations to Bossy & Gamer! Sounds like a wonderful fiesta! Isn't it amazing how you think you'll run out of food, but end up with extra?!?! I love that! Blessings to everyone!

  2. I am so thrilled for Bossy and Gamer; congratulations to them.
    I love that you had a great party event for them. It looks like a lot of fun. I will look forward to more pictures.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
